To Be
To Be. The verb "to be" is the most common verb in English. This graphic shows how the different forms are used. (Notice that there are short forms too.) "To be" is a special verb because it can be used as a main verb or an auxiliary verb.
Get the gift delivered to the receiver or to yourself. 英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 "to be" est LE verbe irrégulier par excellence en anglais.
The verb to be serves to join the grammatical subject of the sentence with either an adjective or a noun to describe or identify the subject.
Notice that we use the structure "be + infinitive" as a shortened form of the future "going to". Native speakers conjugate on-the-fly automatically if they were exposed to "proper" English as a child but are probably ignorant of the gramatical details and descriptions. Rien que pour le présent, ce verbe comote trois formes distinctes : am, are et is.
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Thomas Branstetter
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